Internal Movement
Where Structure Matters
Allow The Body to Cleanse
Allow The Body to Cleanse
Allow The Body to Cleanse

With structure leading the function, it is clear to understand why internal draining of the lymph system is important. Fluid is around every cell as interstitial fluid. The lymph system has no pump rather it is a vacuum. Therefore, when there is congestion in one area there will be congestion throughout the entire system. It is very important to keep this system manually drained regularly for maintenance. We do live in a very toxic external environment; therefore, it stands to reason the internal environment is equally as toxic if we aren’t making effort to alter that. Also realize that internally cell action creates byproducts. Keeping a clear, well-functioning lymph system is important. Infection will be found in the lymph system. Imagine these toxins going around and around the body. This could be in part why there are systemic conditions that no one can figure out, a label is attached, and 'standard' treatment is usually more toxins sold as cures.
With structure leading the function, it is clear to understand why internal draining of the lymph system is important. Fluid is around every cell as interstitial fluid. The lymph system has no pump rather it is a vacuum. Therefore, when there is congestion in one area there will be congestion throughout the entire system. It is very important to keep this system manually drained regularly for maintenance. We do live in a very toxic external environment; therefore, it stands to reason the internal environment is equally as toxic if we aren’t making effort to alter that. Also realize that internally cell action creates byproducts. Keeping a clear, well-functioning lymph system is important. Infection will be found in the lymph system. Imagine these toxins going around and around the body. This could be in part why there are systemic conditions that no one can figure out, a label is attached, and 'standard' treatment is usually more toxins sold as cures.
With structure leading the function, it is clear to understand why internal draining of the lymph system is important. Fluid is around every cell as interstitial fluid. The lymph system has no pump rather it is a vacuum. Therefore, when there is congestion in one area there will be congestion throughout the entire system. It is very important to keep this system manually drained regularly for maintenance. We do live in a very toxic external environment; therefore, it stands to reason the internal environment is equally as toxic if we aren’t making effort to alter that. Also realize that internally cell action creates byproducts. Keeping a clear, well-functioning lymph system is important. Infection will be found in the lymph system. Imagine these toxins going around and around the body. This could be in part why there are systemic conditions that no one can figure out, a label is attached, and 'standard' treatment is usually more toxins sold as cures.
Structure Alignment:
Bones, Ligaments, Tendons, Muscles
Now we move into the overall structure of the body. Seeing this little chipmunk, we can see the sturdy legs positioned as firm foundational pillars of the structure. The ‘pillars’ or bones of structure with this chipmunk are designed for a bowing of the spine as his environment is one needing this design. The chipmunk’s structural alignment is designed for this ‘role’ in life. The upper body curves forward with a tail that balances the forward lean. His spine is a strong bowed ‘pole’ that holds the soft structures on the anterior side containing the organs and allowing his arms to have a good range of motion for his needs. His neck and head are well positioned without strain and with range of movement necessary. Overall, this little guy is in an alignment. The joints will not wear out or pull on muscles in ways to strain attaching structures. Posture, alignment of the body is as important as the studs in a wall or the beams on a bridge. Without alignment, the function will fail to a degree.

There has been a big agenda that has taken humanity to a place of physical, emotional, and mental imbalance. The state that humanity finds itself in are challenging situations due to toxicities and deficiencies that manufacturing companies of food, lotions, cleaning products, yard products, packaging, etc., have not considered as being harmful or damaging on humans, or they don't care because profit matters more than quality and safety. This has been going on for such a long time the damage done to us all is almost irreparable.
Many people are unaware of the dangers of what we consume. Most are trusting and unaware that many companies cannot be trusted. Massive networks of corporate controlled companies have so much influence on producing products overlooking the dangerous additives leading to a huge key to our ill-health. We’re told the FDA is to monitor products and food in the marketplace for our safety. What the FDA functions as is a Watch Dog for anything that is going to expose practices that cause harm. In other words, anything that will move the market toward an alternative direction is brushed under the rug and spoken of as 'foolish', 'snake oil' or anything that would drive people away from investigating the alternative ways. As a result of the negligence of these companies, and protections under the ‘authority’ of the FDA, many people are now challenged with health issues needing constant attention. And that leads to another nest of snakes.
We have been conditioned that we can only go to a community of people who are legally sanctioned to be the overseers of our health. This is known as the AMA and the western medical community. This organization has been severely compromised. It's a Rothschild controlled organization who oversees the training of medical people. There is little to no training in simple nutrients, rather training in looking for symptoms, matching it to a label then selling drugs at a hefty cost. This method pretty much guarantees there is little if any hope of getting away from these toxic medications. These medications often work to inflame the condition. Then other systems or organs are affected. These medications, (in most cases), are known to encourage more damage to the body and create the conditions being treated. I say this not to give you a sense of defeat, rather to urge you to put away the old ‘ways’ of approaching discomfort and to bring to you a deeper understanding. (Western medicine has its place; however, it is not in the treatment of dis-ease.)
Deeper understanding about healing and the body is very important. Not only learning about the dark side of medicine and health, a deeper understanding of the construct of the system that has created much chaos throughout the ages is also something needing to be understood. If you are being drawn in some way to the journey of healing, realize the importance that healing is a journey and not an overnight fix. Nor is it easy because it requires shifting the way things are done and changes in the lifestyle to some degree.
Yes, healing is a journey. It has hills and valleys, days of seeing progress and days when it seems like nothing is happening. The body wants to heal. The body wants to be whole (holy). The mind will often create discouragement. Give it time. The dis-ease pattern did not happen overnight and there is no one who can fix it quickly. To heal it takes dedication, loyalty to the cause, and time. Just enjoy the journey. Grow, learn, and come back to what the body is intended to be. A functioning vehicle.
The following is an outline of what I see as a bodyworker for over 30 years of practice. These are steps of foundational work. This is the foundation to step into many directions of help. A foundation is important for all other treatments to be more effective and efficient. Otherwise it is just a lot of band aid and take this pill solutions. Health is for life. It is not a switch on and off. It is staying focused and giving grace to slip or slide as long the path is resumed quickly. Most of all it is work, and the attitude we have about it will determine if it will be easy or difficult, enjoyable or drudgery.
There has been a big agenda that has taken humanity to a place of physical, emotional, and mental imbalance. The state that humanity finds itself in are challenging situations due to toxicities and deficiencies that manufacturing companies of food, lotions, cleaning products, yard products, packaging, etc., have not considered as being harmful or damaging on humans, or they don't care because profit matters more than quality and safety. This has been going on for such a long time the damage done to us all is almost irreparable.
Many people are unaware of the dangers of what we consume. Most are trusting and unaware that many companies cannot be trusted. Massive networks of corporate controlled companies have so much influence on producing products overlooking the dangerous additives leading to a huge key to our ill-health. We’re told the FDA is to monitor products and food in the marketplace for our safety. What the FDA functions as is a Watch Dog for anything that is going to expose practices that cause harm. In other words, anything that will move the market toward an alternative direction is brushed under the rug and spoken of as 'foolish', 'snake oil' or anything that would drive people away from investigating the alternative ways. As a result of the negligence of these companies, and protections under the ‘authority’ of the FDA, many people are now challenged with health issues needing constant attention. And that leads to another nest of snakes.
We have been conditioned that we can only go to a community of people who are legally sanctioned to be the overseers of our health. This is known as the AMA and the western medical community. This organization has been severely compromised. It's a Rothschild controlled organization who oversees the training of medical people. There is little to no training in simple nutrients, rather training in looking for symptoms, matching it to a label then selling drugs at a hefty cost. This method pretty much guarantees there is little if any hope of getting away from these toxic medications. These medications often work to inflame the condition. Then other systems or organs are affected. These medications, (in most cases), are known to encourage more damage to the body and create the conditions being treated. I say this not to give you a sense of defeat, rather to urge you to put away the old ‘ways’ of approaching discomfort and to bring to you a deeper understanding. (Western medicine has its place; however, it is not in the treatment of dis-ease.)
Deeper understanding about healing and the body is very important. Not only learning about the dark side of medicine and health, a deeper understanding of the construct of the system that has created much chaos throughout the ages is also something needing to be understood. If you are being drawn in some way to the journey of healing, realize the importance that healing is a journey and not an overnight fix. Nor is it easy because it requires shifting the way things are done and changes in the lifestyle to some degree.
Yes, healing is a journey. It has hills and valleys, days of seeing progress and days when it seems like nothing is happening. The body wants to heal. The body wants to be whole (holy). The mind will often create discouragement. Give it time. The dis-ease pattern did not happen overnight and there is no one who can fix it quickly. To heal it takes dedication, loyalty to the cause, and time. Just enjoy the journey. Grow, learn, and come back to what the body is intended to be. A functioning vehicle.
The following is an outline of what I see as a bodyworker for over 30 years of practice. These are steps of foundational work. This is the foundation to step into many directions of help. A foundation is important for all other treatments to be more effective and efficient. Otherwise it is just a lot of band aid and take this pill solutions. Health is for life. It is not a switch on and off. It is staying focused and giving grace to slip or slide as long the path is resumed quickly. Most of all it is work, and the attitude we have about it will determine if it will be easy or difficult, enjoyable or drudgery.

About Athena
Athena opened Bodyworks Massage Therapy Clinic and Apothecary in Killeen, Tx in 1988. In 2003 she relocated in Austin, Texas working primarily in the advanced cranio/sacral and lymphatic drainage arena. She has treated a variety of challenging structural and pain issues. With her training, endless practice and genuine care for clients, the results she has accomplished places her in high demand. Results are the norm and not the exception of her practice.
She has work in a chiropractic office a few hours each week introducing CST (Cranio/Sacral Therapy) and LDT (Lymphatic Drainage Therapy) to many patients. She terminated this position after 18 months due to high demand in her private practice.
In 2013 Athena got a call from people in India who saw her work on You Tube. The family who contacted her brought her to India to work on many people who suffered from severe sciatica and bulging discs. Once she got there, she realized that the Indians aren't people who jump into surgery. One came in on a gurney, several came dragging a leg or using a cane as the pain was intense. She had a client with a very stiff neck and under direction of a physical therapist. She came in for a treatment. When she went back to the PT the shock was overwhelming. The PT and the head PT flew to the internet to look up cranio/sacral therapy. Her success in India was incredible. She was brought back three times. The family wanted Athena to stay and to start a clinic in Northern India, however her dedication to her current clients made it easy to return home with a great experience of seeing the incredible results CST offers. Several years later, these people are still doing well.
She worked with the Texas Health Freedom Coalition to keep legislators in check so as not to regulate (own) our choices in health care. Unfortunately her experience there only validated that the system of healthcare in America will not allow alternative modalities to be practiced in unadulterated form. This was disappointing, however Athena didn't give up, rather she focused on her work and clients and remained dedicated to helping all who found her.
Her skill is technically pure as trained by the Upledger Institute. Clients consider her work to be thorough and effective. She has clients who drive several hours to Austin from various areas. Her reach is far, and is cause to many connecting to themselves in deeper ways and to experience the profound power in the subtle anatomy and passive techniques. The surprise of many is how 5 grams of resistance (the weight of a nickle) can be so effective. The profound relaxation does create deep corrections we aren't aware of.
She also works on pediatrics and has seen a lot of changes in preventing children from going into lengthy colds or congestion. She has worked with children who have experienced severe traumas, or other complex health issues giving much relief and change. She has also mentored other therapists and teaches how to read and hold bones in ways that has taken her many years to learn.
Athena is semi-retired and maintains a sanctuary for healing of the body, soul, mind, emotions, and spirit.
If you would like to reach out to Athena,
Email her at: